“The approach that’s worked best in my experience is investing in high return on capital, low debt, growing companies that have the ability to reinvest earnings in the business and generate high returns on those reinvested earnings. The power of compound interest is so profound (mind-boggling really) that over time, returns in investments in those companies are enormous. The trick is finding companies that are compound interest machines. As in the case of Berkshire Hathaway, trying to invest in those companies based on an analysis of value is more likely to result in opportunities missed than it is make money.”
Rod提到他發現了最好的投資,就是投入可以不斷以高return on capital自我投入去成長的公司,因為這種公司在長遠來說會因複利的關係帶來很大的回報,而如果為這些公司去估值,又要margin of safety,就很容易導致missed opportunity。
“Generally speaking, I think if you’re sure enough about a business being wonderful, it’s more important to be certain about the business being a wonderful business than it is to be certain that the price is not 10% too high ... That’s a philosophy that I came slowly to. I originally was incredibly price conscious. We used to have prayer meetings before we would raise our bid an eighth. But that was a mistake. And in some cases, a huge mistake. I mean, we’ve missed things because of that.”
巴菲特認為,找到肯定的好公司,意指有高護城河高Return on Capital的公司,比用便宜的價格買更重要。
這兩篇節錄都沒有用到"growth investing"一詞,但是我覺得它們融合了費雪growth investing的精髓。有人以為growth investing是不看價格只看成長,但費雪不是傻子,縱使整本"common stocks and uncommon profits"沒有提及估值,難道他會在P/E 50的時候買motorola嗎?我找不到他確切買入motorola時的價格,但這篇forbes的文章說他持股21年獲得20倍的回報,就算你比他買貴一倍,只獲得10倍回報,也比到期S&P的7倍利害,這就是成長股的威力。
Growth investing,就是着重找有護城河,可以不斷自我投入增長的真正成長股,是一種不執着估值的投資方法。如果說價值投資是在於避免買太貴的公司,成長投資就是在於避免買增長太慢的公司,是我現時比較偏好的投資風格。
成長快而價錢很貴 vs 成長慢但價錢很便宜 可說是股市中永遠的難題, 因為好東西總是不便宜, 便宜的多不是好東西
回覆刪除有網友說, 他會放棄找好公司, 反而去找那些有機會變好的壞公司, 因怕遇上好公司變壞的悲劇, 我覺得也幾有道理.
兩條路也走得通, 就看你偏好哪種投資方式。
刪除壞變好應該難過好變壞,通常好變壞要年計,你會大把時間在相對高位沽貨。如yahoo, nokia, 思捷,利豐。
回覆刪除相反壞公司Keep 住壞的機率大很多。
回覆刪除Charlie Munger說“A great business at a fair price is superior to a fair business at a great price.”也許就是「一種不執着估值的投資方法」,令「股神」巴菲特的投資風格從早期的買入「煙蒂屁股」,轉為專注投資優質企業。