

I. 公司和公司財務簡介

Yum China Holdings (NYSE: YUMC)是Yum!品牌的中國spin-off,負責中國的Yum!快餐店,品牌有KFC、Pizza Hut、小肥羊,未來還會有麥西哥快餐Taco Bell。國際知名品牌減少了顧客的friction cost,多的分店使食物和執行成本上有一點優勢,算是有一點護城河。YUMC在2016年10月才掛牌,資料不是很足,但粗略一看,我的結論是現價($26.98 on 2016/11/11)不夠安全邊際。

有兩份資料可以用來研究YUMC,第一份是2016/10/11給投資人看的PPT,基本上是給你看Yum China是多麼的有前途。有幾個數字記下來在估值上會有用:

  • $0 debt and $900+ Million Cash 
  • $1.1 Billion 2016 Pro Forma EBITDA
  • $8+ Billion 2016 estimated sales
  • Operating profits (adjusted and pro forma):
    • 2014: $466 million
    • 2015: $488 million
    • 2016: at least $600 million
  • 在未來二至三十年會加到現在三倍的店舖


這份PPT給人的感覺是高增長,盈利高。可是,從公司往績上看,高增長的是店舖數目,財務數字其實並不亮麗。公司十月時有一份詳細資料,裡面有公司2013-2015的財務。我把一些數字打入了google spreadsheet,有興趣的朋友可以copy來自己研究一下。

說明一下owner earnings是怎計出來的。財報上的operating profit因為有一些關店和一次性的refranchising gain,adjust番得到adjusted operating income。Owner earning要加回新店的支出,扣掉capex,所以是adjusted operating income + depreciation expense - capital spending + 新店支出。新店的支出是用年增加的店舖乘每間店的cash支出$550,000 USD去估。

在營業額和adjusted operating income來看,增長其實不是十分好,只有2012年因為增加了27%店舖才有比較好的成績。

In 2013, KFC China sales and profits were negatively impacted due to intense media surrounding an investigation by the Shanghai FDA into our poultry supply that began in 2012, coupled with additional intense media in April 2013 surrounding avian flu in China. 
In 2014, the Company's sales and profits were significantly impacted by adverse publicity surrounding improper food handling practices by a former supplier. Specifically, on July 20, 2014, an undercover report was televised in China depicting improper food handling practices by supplier Shanghai Husi, a division of OSI, which is a large, global supplier to many in the restaurant industry. This triggered extensive news coverage in China that shook consumer confidence and impacted brand usage. Immediately following the incident, we experienced a significant, negative impact to sales and profits at both KFC and Pizza Hut Casual Dining. For further information about the potential impact of food safety risks on our business. 
In 2015, we expected sales and profits to grow significantly in the second half as we recovered from the adverse publicity in July 2014. Sales initially turned significantly positive as we lapped the supplier incident, but overall sales in the second half of 2015 trailed our expectations, particularly at Pizza Hut Casual Dining.

店舖的利潤(gross margin)在財報上大概有14%,和PPT的16-21%有差距,應該是因為depreciation和一些小肥羊店拉低了。在減了公司的其他費用後,稅前利潤不夠10%,只看PPT上數字的話對公司的盈利會掌握不夠。

II. 估值

有兩個數字先前沒有提到,第一是公司的多餘現金,這個是假設在不影響的經營下,可以在公司提取多少錢。我覺得因為公司有968 million cash,可以用net working capital去估計這個多餘數字,即(current assets - current liabilities) = (1452-968) million = $484 million。current liabilities和cash都是$968 million,應該是巧合。

第二個數字是diluted shares outstanding。公司給的pro forma數字是443 million,但沒有計入一些warrants(大概是公司的4%),我用460 million diluted shares。

A. 簡單的EPS multiple估值

EPS multiple幾多,要用growth和公司的穩定情況來估。Growth在前幾年因為一些公關事件,令營收增長近乎0。公司估計2016年會比2015年營收高16%,但EBITDA只高10%,我覺得短期(五年)來說EPS每年有10%增長的話應該是可行的,管理層目標是mid-teens。扣掉可以提取的484 million後我決定用P/E 15做估值。

那個E是多少呢? 2015 owner earning是705 million,每股$1.532,估計2016加10%到$1.685。那每股的估值就是:

15 x 1.685 + 484/460 = $26.32。


用上面的PPT,用來開新店的cap ex是44% of 550 million即242 million,平均$457k一間(比公司說的$530k一間KFC還低),跟我預估的$550k有點差距,不知哪裡出錯,如果用$457k一間的話,owner earning會更低,讀者可以自己試下將數字調一調自己計估值。

開新店的capex大概是owner earning的30%,新店return on capital是23%(用KFC來計$530k開一間,營銷$1 mil,margin 21%,減G&A同稅後大概12%,return on capital就是120/530 ~ 23%),新店投入可以減一點點稅,當return on capital是25%好了。假設公司保持用30%的owner earning開店,YUMC的owner earning per share organic增長是0.3 * 0.25 ~ 7.5%。這個增長大概可以維持15年(因為這個增幅15年後是大概現在店數的三倍)。估計十五年後的P/E因為沒有太多開新店的增長,只有P/E 10。15年後的E是1.685 x 1.075^15 = 4.985,即估值$49.85.

Discount rate用10%(跟Charlie Munger用的15%有差距,但我估YUMC增長時沒計通脹,計入通脹5%的話就會是一樣了),這部份的估值是$49.85/(1.1^15) = $11.93,加上可提取的現金後是$12.98。之後還要加這年和之後十五年沒有用到開新店的收入,即2016年是1.685 x 0.7 = $1.1795。這個數字每年上升7.5%,而每年要discount 10%,所以這部份的估值是1.1795 + 1.1795 x 1.075 / 1.10 +  1.1795 x (1.075 / 1.10) ^ 2 ...+  1.1795 x (1.075 / 1.10) ^ 15 = $14.28, 總估值是$12.98 + $14.28 = $27.26. DCF比較易出錯,安全邊際20-30%是正常,所以$20以下才買較好。

III. 總結

跟公司的財報一樣,我的估值也有很多假設成份,例如p/e用15是因為相信管理層的mid-teens EPS growth目標,但如果用我自己估的10% growth,我只會用p/e 10(YUMC是沒派息的),估值會是現在市價的不足三分之二,所以現在市價($26.98 on 2016/11/11)安全邊際不夠。

